Fees & Registration


Our 2024-2025 fees are:

5 days a week * $650/month
3 days a week (Mon/Wed/Fri) * $450/month
2 days a week (Tues/Thur) * $350/month

* Please note fees may change without notice.

First and last months' fees are due in September (or on acceptance of enrollment on June 1st, 2023). Fees are paid monthly in advance by post-dated cheque.

There is a one-time registration fee due on enrollment of $150 for new families, or $100 for our returning alumni.

Registration & Enrollment:

Children need to be 30 months old by September and do not need to be toilet trained.

If you require more information about our program, please contact our registrar at mcpsregistrar@gmail.com or call the school directly at 416-653-7557.

Download our Policy and Procedures Handbook here.

Wait List

If you would like to be put on the wait list, please complete the wait list form and email it to the registrar at mcpsregistrar@gmail.com with the subject line: Official Wait List Form followed by the appropriate date.

Wait list request forms can be downloaded here:
