Our Program
Hours & Schedule:
McMurrich Co-operative Playschool operates five mornings a week from 8:45 am to 11:45 am.
Families can choose to attend either:
- 5 mornings (Mon-Fri)
- 3 mornings (Mon/Wed/Fri); or
- 2 mornings (Tues/Thurs).
Our supervising teacher (RECE) is supported by a teaching assistant and duty day volunteer to supervise a maximum of 15 children. MCPS observes the same breaks and holidays as McMurrich Junior Public School.
A typical day at McMurrich Playschool
Each daily session follows a typical routine that enables children to familiarize themselves with school life. This includes:
- Free play (sensory, cognitive, language, fine motor, blocks, dramatic play, crafts, etc)
- Circle time, including music, stories, games & conversation
- Snack time (with snacks packed & sent from home)
- Bathroom time
- Outdoor play (weather permitting)
Children spend a good portion of the day playing during which they are encouraged to play cooperatively and openly communicate their needs and interests.
Enrichment Activities At McMurrich Playschool
We also incorporate enrichment activities onsite & through field trips as a teaching tool throughout our neighbourhood.
In 2022-23, the class visited the Action-Potential Lab to participate in art/science learning about oil spills; took the streetcar to Menchies; and hosted a number of other special enrichment guests onsite, including St. Clair Dance Collective, James Funny Hat performances, yoga, and more!
In the past, MCPS has also visited the local fire station, Wychwood Barns, and other fun Midtown Toronto & St. Clair West destinations.
Special Moments at McMurrich Playschool
In addition to our regular programming, MCPS holds a special space for child/family and holiday celebrations as these moments can be so joyful for young children. We have historically celebrated children's birthdays in class with a small celebration, halloween, a winter concert for parents, as well as our June graduation party (for the whole class and their families).
To learn more about our program, view our parent handbook here.